PhD Level, supervision
Mark Hellsten, started at Aarhus University and Ratio, February 2022, -
Erik Engberg, started August 2020, -
Johan Karlsson, started January 2016, completed 3 April 2020. (then at Center for Family Enterprise and Ownership, Jönköping University) (Recipient of the Entreneurship Forum's Young Scholar award, 2023, SEK 150,000.)
Aili Tang, from January 2017, completed 25 May 2018. (then at Ratio)
Louise Johannesson, from April 2016, completed 23 March 2018. (then at the OECD)
Anton Gidehag, January 2015 – November 2016. (then at Growth Analysis).
Master Level
Corporate Finance, main lecturer, 2018-
MSc Thesis*, advisor, Spring 2021-
International Trading System, initiator and main lecturer, 2011-2014
Undergraduate Level
AI and the (r)evolution of working life, initiator and main lecturer, 2024-
Scientific Method (applied econometrics and Stata), teaching, third-year level, 2020- (survey)
BSc Thesis* advisor, Spring 2019-
Scientific Method (parts on applied econometrics using Stata), teaching, intermediate level, 2018-2019
Economic Analysis, teaching, basic level, Fall 2016
Guest lectures (e.g., at Örebro University, Lund University, Uppsala University and Estonian School of Diplomacy)
*(Advice on choice of thesis topic: A good topic is often Specific, Engaging, potentially inspired by News, related to Supervisor's research area, based on Existing knowledge (previous theses and research), and has "enough" Data available.)