Econ Links
AI Incidents Monitor, by OECD
BaTIS (services trade)
Concordances - EU Ramon, Haveman (industries), Vandenbussche (products)
Country codes - UN
Luxembourg Income Study Database (LIS)
LIS (Luxembourg Income Study Database)
Monetary values and exchange rates - Swedish rates (and interest rates), World, Historically (in Swedish, long-term), Historically (in Swedish, since 1917)
O*Net - US-sponsored occupational information database
Patent data (Swedish historical patents, 1746-1945)
PIIAC - OECD survey of skills database
Sweden - Statistics Sweden, ordering microdata, statistics database; Education survey; Ekonomifakta (Swedish), annual reports of Swedish companies (Swedish), Serrano (firm-level panel data)
UN Comtrade
US trade policy actions, since Trump (Sheng Lu)
World economic history (Angus Maddison)
WTO - statistics, data
Ekonomisk Debatt (accessible econ papers, in Swedish)
Journal of Economic Perspectives (accessible surveys of topics in economics)
SwoPec WPs
(Within parentheses are approximate submission and conference months, respectively. Arranged by submission month)Danish International Economics Workshop (February, June)
EALE (European Association of Labour Economists)
EEA (European Economic Association), (February, Aug/Sep)
ILERA (International Labour and Employment Relations Association), (June)
MWIEG (Midwest International Economics Group) (Spring: February, May; Fall: August, October)
NOITS (Nordic International Trade Seminars) (February, May)
AEA (American Economic Association), (April, January)
ETSG (European Trade Study Group) (April, September)
NICE (Nordic Initiative for Corporate Economics) (tbc, June)
SEA (Southern Economic Association), (April, November)
Economics of Global Interactions, Bari, Italy, (May, September)
SNEE (Swedish Network for European Studies in Economics and Business), (August, November)
SOLE (Society of Labor Economists), (May)
WEA (Western Economics Association), (December, June/July)
F.R.E.I.T. (Forum for Reasearch in Empirical International Trade) (see website)
Dagens Nyheter (Swedish)
Svenska Dagbladet (Swedish)
Dagens Industri (Swedish)
The Local (On Sweden, in English)
Blogs and Web-sites
Aswath Damodaran (finance)
Ekonomistas (Swedish)
Tips and Tools
AI (ChatGPT (prompt guide, Mollick), DALL-E-2, MathGPT-3)
Asana (project management)
Building a research environment - The Ten Commandments (Assar Lindbeck)
Data management (Kuriwaki, Long, Wilson et al)
Excel - SE-ENG thesaurus
Journal rankings [IDEAS/RePEc, ABS, Lund, IFN (in Swedish)]
LaTeX - Overleaf, Special symbols, Writing reports (in Swedish)
Machine learning and AI for economists (Sansone, Flachaire, He, Korinek, Golub)
Machine learning resources (cheatsheets)
Math (Math-Econ notes)
Norstedts (Swedish-English dictionary)
Python for economists (intro, extensive, stata-python, causal, ML)
Stata - Masayuki Kudamatsu, UCLA, Princeton
Statistics - SE-ENG dictionary, ISI-multi-language dictionary
Teaching resources - AEA, TEN, AI-in-school (in Swedish)
Here's a brief list of Swedish research funders.
Ollie and Elof Ericssons Stiftelser (junior researchers)
Siamon (junior researcher's conference attendance, etc)