
Popular Writing

(2024) Artificiell intelligens och jobben (Artificial Intelligence and Work). Ratio research institute, Stockholm, Sweden. (2nd edn, released 16 April.) 

[Selected coverage: TV4 Nyhetsmorgon, SR P1 Studio Ett, DN 10, 11 April, Dagens industri, Nerikes Allehanda, TN, Kollega, SR P4 Örebro (at 1:11), SR P4 Jönköping (at 1:12)]

(2021) "The EU Digital Market Regulations: Rule-Maker or Deal-Breaker?", TIISA Policy Brief, December 2021, Trade & Investment in Services Associates. (Together with Kyvik-Nordås and Wernberg)

(2021) "Migration can Play a Role in the Post-Pandemic Reboot of Global Trade",  CEPR, VoxEU.org, Blog column, 27 April. (Together with Alm and Hatzigeorgiou)

(2020) "Stå på giganters axlar" (Standing on the shoulders of giants), Ekonomisk Debatt (J. of the Swedish Economic Association), Editorial, vol. 48, no. 5. (Swedish)

(2020) "Digital Technologies, Services and the Fourth Industrial Revolution", TIISA Working Paper 2020-02. (Together with Borchert, Drake-Brockman and others)

(2020) "Globalization on hold or in reverse?", TIISA Policy Brief 2020-1, Trade & Investment in Services Associates.

(2020) "Globalisering, var god dröj", (Globalisation, please wait), Kvartal, 9 April.

(2019) “The effects of export credit guarantees on firm performance”, CEPR, VoxEU.org, Blog column, 11 December. (Together with Agarwal, Stenberg, Tang, Tano and Wang)

(2019) “Utrikeshandel, löner och rörlighet” in Stern, L (ed.) En dynamisk arbetsmarknad, Dialogos. (Together with Kyvik-Nordås and Tang) [Covered in: VD-tidningen]

(2019) “Statliga garantier i utrikeshandeln - mönster, effekter och reflektioner ”, Ekonomisk Debatt (J. of the Swedish Economic Association), vol. 47, no. 8. (Together with Tang and Tano) (Swedish)

(2018) ”Den trumpska hästen” (The Trumpian Horse), Ekonomisk Debatt (J. of the Swedish Economic Association), Editorial, vol. 46, no. 5. (Swedish)


(2018) ”Svenska affärsänglar – hur lyckas de med sina investeringar?”, (Swedish Business Angels - how well do their investments do?), Ekonomisk Debatt (J. of the Swedish Economic Association), vol. 46, no. 3. (Together with F W Andersson) (Swedish)


(2017) ”Behovet av en ny handelspolitik”, (The Need for a New Trade Policy), Ekonomisk Debatt (J. of the Swedish Economic Association), Editorial, vol. 45., no. 6. (Swedish)


(2016) ”Brexflektioner – vilka blir de ekonomiska konsekvenserna av att Storbritannien lämnar EU?” ( Brexflections - What are the economic consequences of the UK leaving the EU?), Ekonomisk Debatt (J. of the Swedish Economic Association), vol. 44, no. 6. (Together with A Hatzigeorgiou) (Swedish)


(2016) Kunskapsöverföring för tillväxt – Sambanden mellan produktivitet och rekrytering av nyckelkompetens hos små och medelstora företag (Knowledge spillovers for growth - The Relation Between Productivity and Recruitment of Key Competence in SMEs), Growth Analysis, Sweden, PM 2016:12. (Together with Anton Gidehag) (Swedish)


(2015) ”Migration kan främja internationalisering” (Migration Can Promote Internationalisation), Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift (Journal of the Economic Association, Finland), vol. 69, no. 1. (Together with A Hatzigeorgiou) (Swedish)

(2015) ”Cross-border movement of persons stimulate trade”, CEPR, VoxEU.org, Blog column, 14 October. (Together with E Anér and A Graneli)


(2015) ”Utlandsfödda kan främja företagens export av tjänster” (Foreign-born promote firms’ export of services), Ekonomisk Debatt (J. of the Swedish Economic Association), vol. 43, no. 6. (Together with A Hatzigeorgiou) (Swedish)


(2015) Migration och företagens internationalisering – en kunskapsöversikt (Migration and firms’ internationalisation – a survey), Delmi, Kunskapsöversikt 2015:4. (Together with A Hatzigeorgiou) (Swedish)

(2015) ”Atithi Devo Bhava?” (The guest is equivalent of God?), Observer Research Foundation, Issue Brief no. 91. (Together with N Agarwal) [Covered, e.g., in: Wall Street Journal, Scroll.in, Quartz]

(2015) ”Getting more out of India’s ’Tourist Visa on Arrival’ scheme”, International Growth Centre, Ideas for India, Blog column, 10 April. (Together with N Agarwal)


(2015) How Cross-Border Movement of Persons Facilitates Trade – The Case of Swedish Exports, National Board of Trade, Sweden, Report 2015:2. (Together with A Graneli)


(2015) ”Tear down the trade policy silos! Or, how the servicification of manufacturing makes divides in trade policy-making irrelevant”, CEPR, VoxEU.org, Blog column, 16 January.


(2014) Utlandsfödda och företagens internationalisering – ett lyft för tjänsteexporten? (Foreign-born and firms’ internationalisation – a boost for exports of services?), Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum, Globalisation Report no. 7. (Together with A Hatzigeorgiou) (Swedish)


(2013) “Hur undervisar vi i nationalekonomi?” (How do we teach economics?), Ekonomisk Debatt (J. of the Swedish Economic Association), Forum, vol. 41, no. 1. (Swedish)


(2012) ”Utlandsfödda främjar företagens utrikeshandel” (Foreign-born promote firm’s foreign trade), Ekonomisk Debatt (J. of the Swedish Economic Association), vol. 40, no. 5. (Together with A Hatzigeorgiou) (Swedish)


(2011) Mångfald och internationalisering – Utlandsfödda personer bidrar till internationalisering av svenska företag, Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, Report. (Together with A Hatzigeorgiou) (Swedish)


(2010) Servicification of Swedish manufacturing, National Board of Trade, Sweden, Report 2010:1.


(2007) Potential Gains from Trade Liberalisation in the Baltic Sea Region, National Board of Trade, Report. (Together with S Kinnman)


(2006) Economic Implications of the Doha Round, National Board of Trade, Sweden, Report. (Together with S Kinnman)


(2006) Capacity Building on WTO and Environmental Protection, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Book. (Together with, among others, Allebeck, A C, Bohn, M, Jönsson, M, Hjortsberg, H and M Storey)


(2005) Climate and Trade Rules - harmony or conflict, National Board of Trade, Sweden, Report.

Selected Media Coverage (2010-)

Akavia Aspekt (2024), 10 June (Interview article). [Topic: AI and white collar jobs]

Akavia (2024), 22 February (Interviewed, Studio Akavia Podcast). [Topic: AI and white collar jobs]

Forskning.se (2024), 16 January (Interviewed). [Topic: AI - competitor or colleague?] 

Sveriges Radio (2023), 16 May (Interviewed, P4 Örebro). [Topic: Business angels and firm performance | Interview from 1:40:20] 

TV4 (2023), 29 March (Interviewed). [Topic: AI and jobs]

SVT (2023), 13 March (Interviewed). [Topic: AI and jobs | Interview at 3.30-4.30]

Universeum (2023), 25 January (Interviewed, Branding Geeks Podcast).  [Topic: AI, work and work environment]

Finago Blog (2020), 10 December (Interviewed). [Topic: AI and jobs in business administration]

Nerikes Allehanda (2020), 1 November (Interviewed). [Topic: USA 2020 election and implications for, e.g., trade]

Dagens Industri (2020), 22 April (Op-ed). (Together with Björling, Hatzigeorgiou and Sjöholm)

VD-tidningen (2020), 16 January. [Topic: Trade and jobs]

VD-tidningen (2019), 5 December. [Topic: Export credit guarantees]

Ingenjören (2019), 16 August (Interviewed).

Nerikes Allehanda (2019), 24 June (Interviewed).

Sveriges Radio (2018), 19 August (Interviewed, Godmorgon Världen, P1). [Topic: US China tariffs]

Sveriges Radio (2018), 7 May (Ekonomiekot, P1). [Topic: Business angels and firm performance]

Sveriges Radio (2018), 9 March (Interviewed, P4 Örebro). [Topic: US steel tariffs | Interview, from 13.30 | Summary]

Sveriges Radio (2017), 30 January (Interviewed, Studio Ett). [Topic: US migration restrictions | Interview , from 20.30 | Summary

Sveriges Radio (2016), 22 September (Interviewed, P4 Örebro).

Financial Times (2016), 22 June (Letter).

Dagens Industri (2016), 22 June. (Op-ed, article)

Hallands Nyheter (2016), 4 February.

Hallandsposten (2016), 6 February.

Världshorisont (2015), Magazine of the UN-association of Sweden, No. 4, (Interviewed).

Epoch Times (2015), 4 September.

Dagens Nyheter (2015), 1 September (Op-ed).

Aftonbladet (2015), 1 September.

Scroll.in (2015), 9 June.

Uppsala Nya Tidning (2015), 4 April (Op-ed).

Kristianstadsbladet (2015), 22 October (Interviewed).

Wall Street Journal (2015), 10 April (on co-authored study).

SVT Nyheter (2015), 1 September.

Svenska Dagbladet (2014), 24 October (Op-ed on our report).

Sundsvalls Tidning (2013), 2 November (Interviewed).

Svenska Dagbladet (2013), 15 June (Interviewed).

Dagens Industri (2013), 11 November.

Dagens Nyheter (2013), 11 November.

The Local (2013), 11 November (Interviewed).

SVT Nyheter Skåne (2013), 11 November.

Fordonskomponenten (2012), No 4 (Interviewed).

Sveriges Radio (2012), 4 September.

Veckans Affärer (2010), 26 January (Interviewed).